
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting

Hello again pumpkin my love! So nice of you to make your presence again.  I found the big can of pumpkin puree at the grocery store for $2.09 the other day, so I grabbed a couple.  I thought that was a pretty good deal.  This morning I whipped up a batch of these amazing cupcakes!  The cakes are so moist, and flavored with just the right amount of pumpkin.  They are really good without the frosting too, I know, I tried one.  Quality Control. :)  BUT the pumpkin cream cheese frosting is delicious, and really compliments these cupcakes.  I promise there isn't too much pumpkin flavor, just the right amount, and perfect amount of sweetness.  I love cupcakes, but when the frosting is piled high, and really sweet, I can't finish a whole thing.  I made this frosting, and piped it on the cupcakes thinly, after all it is made with cream cheese, which can overpower the flavor of the cupcake.  I shared these with the people at my Mom's work, and they loved them!  I know you will too, and they are SO simple to make.  Secret is...they are made with boxed cake mix!! Try these out, and let me know how much you love them ;)
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting
How cute are these?!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Decorating Cookies with the Kids

I had such a fun time yesterday with Melissa's kids decorating homemade spritz cookies!  We used a Wilton cookie press, and the recipe that came with it.  It didn't work out very well. It took many attempts with changing a lot of different things, but we ended up getting some shaped cookies, but definitely not as many as the recipe said.  It was fun, but I am not sure if I would use the cookie press again, unless I find a better recipe that works with it.  Next time we will just roll out dough, and use cookie cutters.  After baking the cookies and letting them cool, we let the kids decorate them.  We made it simple and used store bought frosting in the squeezable tube, and the spray can, along with a bunch of different sprinkles.  They absolutely loved it, and after we were done, we have a HUGE mess in the WHOLE kitchen, but it was SO worth it.  We all ate way too many cookies, but that is expected right?!
I don't have any recipes to share with you today because I didn't like the cookie recipe as much as I hoped, and like I said, it didn't work too well with the cookie press.  I DID want to show you some of the fun pictures I took yesterday, and let you see our masterpieces! I hope you enjoy these pictures!
This beautiful cookie was her son's! So pretty!

Pumpkin Butter

PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN, PUMPKIN! Can you tell what is on my mind?! I can't get enough of that stuff!  I made this amazing pumpkin butter last year, and I just fell in love with it.  It is SO easy, and you can put it on/in anything! It makes a good size batch, so you can experiment with it.  I have a few more recipes with it that I want to try.  It's been a rainy day here today, and what is better than staying inside and cooking up a batch of this wonderful  pumpkin butter.  It makes your house smell amazing.  You HAVE to try this!
Pumpkin Butter
And don't be ashamed to have a spoonful or two right out of the pan! :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups

A few weeks ago while grocery shopping at Safeway, I browsed through the free recipe cards they have in the produce section, and I ran into a recipe for Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups that looked delicious!  I snagged the card, and got all the ingredients to make them.  I made them the other night, and they turned out yummy.  I made them at my parent's house to share with them and my husband.  They all loved them, and they were perfect as an appetizer before dinner.  I didn't want to start the barbecue to grill them because they only take about 5 minutes to grill and the barbecue my parents have is charcoal, so instead I took my little George Forman grill with me.  It was a great idea grilling them with the George, but next time I make them I will use my bigger George Forman grill because it took way too long grilling the zucchini and red peppers.  If you have an indoor grill that would be the ideal way to do this, but if not you can use the George Forman grill too.  Also, my Mom didn't have a vegetable slicer, so I had to cut the veggies with a knife, and I ended up losing quite a bit, because I am not perfect, and my slicing skills didn't work out the best, but I did take a picture of the best way I found to cut a zucchini lengthwise to get the best slices.  If you are looking for a yummy appetizer for dinner or any get together, these would be a great dish to make.  They are very good, and if you have the right tools, and grill, they are simple to make, and fun to eat.
Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups
Don't they look pretty?! So appealing to the eye and the stomach!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Creamy Meat and Cheese Wrap

The other day while making muffins at my friend Melissa's house, we were running out of fuel, and needed to eat something quick. Taking care of three children all under the age of 3 1/2 is a daunting task, and sure does drain your energy. Melissa does and awesome job though, and her kids are totally worth all the energy I have. :)  We re fueled by going through her fridge, and trowing together these wraps that are simple, but were SO GOOD.  I like posting simple recipes like these, for ideas for you all.  I know they are simple enough for anyone to figure out on their own, but it may have ingredients you wouldn't normally think to add, so I just have to show you. :) I will make these again!
Creamy Meat and Cheese Wrap

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins

I enjoyed another baking day at my friend Melissa's home again.  She made the Healthier Monkey Muffins yesterday, that I made from my very first blog post!  She didn't have whole wheat flour though so she used all, all-purpose.  They turned out awesome, and her and her kids loved them! I was a little jealous that I didn't make any muffins to bring home while I was over there.  SO...her and I planned another baking day yesterday, just so I could make some muffins! 
I am totally in Fall mode now, and when I think of Fall, I think of PUMPKIN!  I love everything about pumpkin.  It is SO good, and is healthy for you.  I will have many more recipes with pumpkin this Fall.  I haven't tried any savory recipes with it yet, but I plan on it, so we will see what my tummy can't live without. :)  Too bad pumpkin isn't on sale yet in the stores, because I will be clearing the shelves, the grocery stores will love me. :)  I looked all over the Internet last night, and decided on Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins, and the recipe I found here, on Tasty Kitchen. Check that link for the original version. Of course I can't follow a recipe to the tee, so I healthified it, and changed it up a bit.  These muffins are so good, I seriously could not eat just ONE.  Melissa, her two kids, and my husband and I all loved them.  I'm glad I have leftovers! :)
Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins
WOWEE don't those look delicious?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Crockpot Chili

Crock pot season is just about here!  I secretly admire my crock pot. :)  I love how you cook dinner in the that weird?? Well I should say you do all the prepping in the morning, and your crock pot does all the rest.  It really is an amazing thing throwing everything together, and ending up with a delicious dinner at the end of the day.  Oh, and the smell while it is working it's magic throughout the day is divine.  MmmMmm.  My crock pot has yet to fail me with a delicious dinner, which is pretty darn amazing since I throw almost anything in there together.  Get ready to see more crock pot dishes coming up! 
I have made this chili for quite some time now, and have shared it with family and friends, and they all love it.  It is one of my favorite crock pot meals, and because of that, I am sharing it with you today!  This is my homemade chili, but I do have to admit I take all the shortcuts possible. :)  I used canned beans...gasp! I know, I know, but just try it, and you will love how simple it is, and delicious!
Crock pot Chili

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fettuccine with Spinach and Feta Cheese

Yesterday I had a fun time at my friend Melissa's house, visiting her and her three kids.  She invited me over for a baking/cooking day.  Whenever we get together we usually get a hankering for cooking or baking something.  We usually look through all the cookbooks, and find something that looks so good we just HAVE to make it.  It is a fun time for us, a nice girls day.  After looking through the cookbooks we came across a recipe we made once before and fell in love with.  Her and I discussed how we both love, bread, cheese, and pasta, go figure right, who doesn't?!  This meal includes two of the three!  This really is probably one of my favorite pasta dishes, and I already can't wait to make it again.
Pasta and Cheese is a girls best friend right?! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Canned Tomato Soup Dressed Up

Hi ya all!  Hope you are all having a great Saturday!  Today is my friend's wedding that I am a bridesmaid in.  I am so excited for her, and her future husband!  They make a great couple, and this wedding will be amazing I know it.  I am also loving this cooler weather!! Might not love it too much when I have to put on the spaghetti strap dress for the wedding though! :) Oh, well I will make it!  This cooler weather is the perfect time to whip up a batch of my Canned Tomato Soup Dressed Up!  It warms the soul, and the belly! It is SO simple, and really does taste homemade! 
Canned Tomato Soup Dressed Up
Ingredients:(serves 2-4)
  • 1 can(10 3/4oz) Tomato Soup, condensed

  • Milk(1 tomato soup can full)
  • a sprinkle of dried oregano
  • a sprinkle of dried basil
  • a sprinkle of a garlic and herb blend(I used a Safeway brand)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tbls grated parmesan cheese

First prepare tomato soup from instructions on can.  I used Milk, you can use water if you want, it wont be as thick.  Add seasonings, stir, and simmer.  You need to stir frequently to prevent the soup from sticking to the bottom, and burning.  I let mine simmer for about 15 minutes to let the dried herbs come to life.  Serve with parmesan cheese on top.  My husband and I shared the can of soup, but you can easily divide it into smaller portions.  Enjoy this simple and yummy soup! One day I WILL make homemade!

Question of the Day:

Do you dip sandwiches in tomato soup? If so, what kind of sandwich?

Of course I dip sandwiches in tomato soup! I was just thinking how it is a standard fare, and how that would be a no brainer, BUT I may be the only crazy one out there who does dip!  I ALWAYS dip my grilled cheese sandwich in tomato soup, YUM.  The Fajita Turkey Melts my husband and I made yesterday were too flavorful to dip, we enjoyed the individual flavors of the sandwich and soup alone. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fajita Turkey Melt

Hello blog readers!  I have been missing in action...My husband and I finally made it back home!  The last two days were filled with emptying out the RV and moving it to a storage unit.  It is so much work, we were working on it from 7:00AM yesterday until about 3:30PM, then we had to drive another three hours home! Whew, sorry, I know it is NO excuse to be absent from blogging. ;)  I hope I am here to stay and blog up a storm for quite awhile! Life may get in the way here and there, but we will all be alright. :)  I am so excited to be cooking again in our house, and excited that my sous chef(aka hubby) will be here to cook with me.  He is a chopping, dicing, slicing, grating machine! Have I mentioned that I really dislike grating cheese??? Well, I do, but my husband doesn't mind it.:) Perfect match if I do say so! When I first asked my husband to help in the kitchen, I think the only reason he jumped up to help, was so he would be eating that much sooner.  After he helped a few times, he decided that WE HE needed a nice new knife.  Now that we have a few new knifes, he sort of thinks he is a pro. :) That's alright with me, if I can get help in the kitchen!
 Let's get on to our masterpiece we had for lunch today! We were brainstorming on ideas for lunch, and the old fashioned grilled cheese, and tomato soup combo sounded delicious, but we were craving a twist on the classic.  A new twist we achieved!  Introducing....
Fajita Turkey Melt
Oh my goodness this was so good!  We both loved this sandwich! It is filled with flavor!  This is my new favorite go to grilled cheese sandwich.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chewy Coconut Cookies

Good afternoon blog readers! I hope you are enjoying your day! It is nice and warm in my neck of the desert. Call me weird, but I am totally ready for cooler temps. It happens every summer and winter. Half way through both seasons, I'm ready for the opposite temperature. I would never be able to live in an area where it is either hot all year, or cold all year. I like both. So sorry, but bring on the cool weather!!
Another thing I really love is coconut! I would eat coconut at every meal, no joke, along with pineapple, YUM!! I have a very simple yummy dessert that involves both, that I will share soon!! For now, you can enjoy these delicious cookies, that my husband and I both could not stop eating!
Chewy Coconut Cookies
I got this recipe from this site. I changed a couple things that I will note in parenthesis.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Scrambled Egg and Turkey Sandwich

Hello!! I am back, and ready to get cooking. :) Sorry I didn't post much AT ALL while I was away.  I was busy visiting family, friends, and attending a bachelorette party, and bridal shower.  I had a blast all week, but am glad to be back to cooking for my husband and I again.  I hope you all had a great week! I can't wait to catch up on blogs, and make some delicious food of my own!

This morning I was craving something savory because all week I had oatmeal for breakfast.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE oatmeal, and one of these days I will share my go to simple oatmeal breakfast with all of you.  Since I had been gone all week, I had few ingredients to work with this morning, but my Scrambled Egg and Turkey Sandwich was AMAZING.  It is a VERY simple breakfast you can make on the go anytime.  It took very little time, and was SO good, and healthy.  It kept me full for a good amount of time, and I believe my non egg eating husband will even like it! 
Scrambled Egg and Turkey Sandwich

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Green Machine Shake

Hi blog friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! This blog I created on Friday before we headed home for the weekend/week(for me).  I knew I had to plan a post or two for while I was away. :) I wont forget about all you friends!

This Green Machine Shake is what I have enjoyed for lunch the past week or two.  I just LOVE it, and if you try it, I am sure you will too! It is good for you, and fills me up for awhile!  The reason why it is called my Green Machine Shake, secret is... it is filled with SPINACH!  I SWEAR you can't taste it ONE BIT!! IF you don't believe me, try it!!! :) MmmMmm it's thick, sweet, and has all healthy ingredients! Introducing my Green Machine Shake(IN my green cup!)
Sooooo GOOD!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekend/Week Plans

So here is the deal.  My husband and I FINALLY get the weekend off!!! My husband has been working for about a month straight without any days off, and they are finally allowing them to take this weekend off.  For all of you that don't know, my husband is a Union Boilermaker, and we are currently at a job that is called a "shut down."  It is where they shut a nuclear power plant down, to go in and work on it.  They work many long hours, to get it fixed and up and running.  If you have noticed, or read my profile, then you all know that I am a stay at home wife.  I travel around with my husband in our RV to jobs.  We are both SO excited to have this long weekend, it is about time!  So...we are heading home for the weekend, which means I am taking the weekend off from blogging to spend time with my husband, family, and friends.  It is MUCH needed!  This is the longest time we have been away from home, and we can't wait to go back.
My husband will head back to work after the weekend is over, but I am going to stay home because I am a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding, and this next weekend is her Bachelorette party, and Bridal Shower.  I need to get ready for that, and there would be no point for me to come back here, then have to turn around and head back home to be there on Friday.  SO, my computer will stay here in the RV, and while I am home, I don't plan on cooking TOO much.  I usually do small simple meals because I really don't want to stalk our fridge with food for the little while that I will be there.  I wont be posting every day, but I do plan on cooking a couple meals at my parent's house, that I do plan on sharing with all of you.  Since my computer will be here, I wont be taking photos with my camera and uploading them, so I will be taking photos with my phone, which wont be as good :( but it is better than no pictures at all right?! and no blogging at all.  I'll still be thinking about all of you, and posting a few dinners, so watch for them! Don't forget about me! :)  Hope you all have a great weekend, and week to come! I will be on here shortly! :) Take care! :)
We will be doing a lot of this...
Playing outside, and enjoying ourselves. (Our pretty girl Zoei)
And a lot of this...

Relaxing, because we need it. Especially my hubby. (Our pretty Kiki)
See ya later everyone!

Easy and Delicious Chicken Curry

Good morning! It's Friday woohoo! What does everyone have planned for this Labor Day weekend? The last long weekend for a while, take advantage of it! :)  I will do a separate post for the weekend/week news that I have for all of you.  I don't want to interrupt this Chicken Curry post too much.:)

I have made this Chicken Curry many many times, and we both love it.  I usually make this in the crock pot, but BOTH of my crock pots are at home...doesn't make sense to me, but that is what happened.  I knew it would be simple to make it on the stove, so I went for it.  It turned out just the same, and it was still REALLY easy!  I didn't time myself, but I swear it took less than 20 minutes to make this, not including making the rice, or whatever you decide to serve it over.  Let's get started!
Chicken Curry
MmmMmm Scrumptious!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Peach Cobbler

Hello again!  Thanks for continuing to read my blog.  I really am loving this, and enjoying the comments a lot.  I told you all I made peach cobbler, remember?! How could you forget. :)  I found this recipe online on, you can find the recipe here.  It turned out quite yummy, but there are a couple changes I would do.  It was considered an easy cobbler recipe, and it really was.  Peaches are in season, well actually towards the end of the season I think.  I went to Safeway(which I really don't like all that much) because it was close, and grabbed five peaches, and it was less than 2 dollars! I thought that was pretty darn good, but I didn't shop around so I'm not sure if .99cents a pound is the going rate for them or not right now.  I was happy with it though.  Sorry to say my husband and I didn't cut into the cobbler until later at night, so I didn't get too many good pictures.  I'll share with you what I have. 
Peach Cobbler