
Monday, September 26, 2011

Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups

A few weeks ago while grocery shopping at Safeway, I browsed through the free recipe cards they have in the produce section, and I ran into a recipe for Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups that looked delicious!  I snagged the card, and got all the ingredients to make them.  I made them the other night, and they turned out yummy.  I made them at my parent's house to share with them and my husband.  They all loved them, and they were perfect as an appetizer before dinner.  I didn't want to start the barbecue to grill them because they only take about 5 minutes to grill and the barbecue my parents have is charcoal, so instead I took my little George Forman grill with me.  It was a great idea grilling them with the George, but next time I make them I will use my bigger George Forman grill because it took way too long grilling the zucchini and red peppers.  If you have an indoor grill that would be the ideal way to do this, but if not you can use the George Forman grill too.  Also, my Mom didn't have a vegetable slicer, so I had to cut the veggies with a knife, and I ended up losing quite a bit, because I am not perfect, and my slicing skills didn't work out the best, but I did take a picture of the best way I found to cut a zucchini lengthwise to get the best slices.  If you are looking for a yummy appetizer for dinner or any get together, these would be a great dish to make.  They are very good, and if you have the right tools, and grill, they are simple to make, and fun to eat.
Grilled Zucchini Roll Ups
Don't they look pretty?! So appealing to the eye and the stomach!

Prep Time: about 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes(if using a grill large enough to fit all the zucchini slices at the same time, and red bell pepper)
Servings: 6(2 roll ups per person)(this is depending on how big the zucchinis are, and how many slices you get out of them)or you know you can have more than 2! :)
Difficulty: easy

  • 2 zucchinis, thinly sliced lengthwise, about 1/8 inch thick or so(mine were smaller then normal)
  • red bell pepper, sliced thinly(you need as many slices of bell pepper as you have of zucchini)
  • 1/4 cup or so Feta cheese(I used garlic herb blend.  The recipe called for goat cheese, but I LOVE me some feta!)
  • 1/2-1 tsp balsamic vinegar

Slice up your zucchini.  This was the best way I figured out to cut the zucchini without having a vegetable slicer of any kind. Cut off both ends to make a flat surface, and slowly cut down the zucchini to make thin slices.  I hope you have a vegetable slicer, because this really did take awhile, and made a lot of non usable pieces, unless you are perfect! :)

Lay your zucchini out on your grill, and flip when soft, and you have nice grill marks.  About 3-5 minutes per side. If you have enough room on your grill, cook your sliced red peppers until soft also.

This is the delicious Feta I used.

Lay out a grilled zucchini slice, and spoon about a 1/2 tsp of the feta down the middle.  If you want more or less, feel free!

Place one slice grilled red bell pepper down the middle of the zucchini. Roll up and secure with a toothpick.(I didn't take a picture of that, shoot! I was ready to dig in to one of these!)

After you have finished rolling up every zucchini, drizzle with the balsamic vinegar, and enjoy!!

YUMMO! I will make these again. My Dad who is a meat and potatoes lover, really enjoyed these!

Question of the Day:

What is an appetizer you enjoy making, and can't get enough of??

I make a ham and pickled asparagus roll up, that my whole family  LOVES! I am REQUIRED to bring them to every get together we have.  They are SO stinking good! :) I definitely will post them here on the blog next time I make them!
Enjoy the rest of your day! 

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