
Saturday, December 10, 2011

On My Radar #8

Good morning!  Here we are again for another On My Radar.  It seems like I do these posts frequently, which can only mean time flies...BOO!  I enjoy these posts though, and I hope you do too.  I hope you haven't had enough baking yet...I'm slowing down a bit, but I'm definitely not done, besides the fact that we have quite a few sweets in the fridge and on the counter waiting to be eaten.  They wont go to waste that's for sure, but hard to keep up on!  I'm still trying to post some normal dishes for those people who have willpower to stay away from baking batch after batch of cookies, not me, but I'm glad. ;)  Anyways...enjoy these tasty looking foods...and cookies, hopefully to be on the blog soon! 

All Recipes has this recipe for
Caramel-Filled Chocolate Cookies
AH I'm sorry this photo is SO small!!  I am making these tomorrow though so you will see a BIG picture soon! Can't wait!

Caramel-Filled Chocolate Cookies Recipe

A Cozy Kitchen made these amazing looking
Jalapeño Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms
nuff said.

Skinny Taste shared her
Easy Garlic Cheddar Biscuits
these look so tasty!

Eat Live Run via Tasty Kitchen showed off her
Mushroom, Goat Cheese and Spicy Chicken Sausage Lasagna
This sounds delicious! I love goat cheese!

Tasty Kitchen is sharing these
Espresso Chocolate Chip Scones
I have yet to make scones and have always wanted too! I'm slacking!
Have a great Saturday everyone!  I'll be back to the daily grind Monday! See ya!

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