
Friday, December 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies(Blossoms)

I LOVE baking for the Holidays!  Every year I like to try new recipes, BUT I couldn't pass up this recipe I made last year.  These cookies are SERIOUSLY AMAZING.  They only require 5 ingredients, and take very little time.  My husband said "these are the best cookies on the planet." That is saying a lot :) and I'm so happy he said that because it gives me an excuse to make them all the time! We LOVE that there is NO flour in this recipe, it makes for more of a peanut putter flavor that is out of this world...yum.  I can't talk this recipe up enough, take my word for it please, these are so good, life changing.  We have decided whenever we want to make peanut butter cookies, we are going this route.  When I ate one of these cookies I was like Bob in the movie What about Bob when he was at the dinner table and LOVING his food-Mmmm, MMMM... mmmMMmm... MMmmMM(totally disrupting every one else eating)  Have you seen that movie?! Funny.  Make these please :)
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies(Blossoms)
Oh my, I know it's early in the morning, but after seeing this picture I think I better go eat one of the THREE that are left! Be right back! ;)

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Bake Time:  10-12 minutes
Servings:  makes approximately 24 cookies
Difficulty: Super de duper easy!

Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies(Blossoms)
  • 1 cup Peanut Butter, creamy, and it says not store brand(you make your own judgment on that)
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 24 Hershey Kisses

In a large bowl combine peanut butter and sugar.  Blend until creamy.

Add the egg and vanilla, blend until combined.

When you get to this point, you will look at it and think "man, I should have at least doubled this" :) 
It doesn't look like much, but it will make around 24 cookies, but really is 24 enough??? It wont be after you taste these. 

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees.  Roll into 1 1/4 inch balls, and place 2 inches apart on a ungreased baking sheet. 

 Bake for 10-12 minutes.  The cookies will be cracking which is good, and browning very slightly.  Remove from oven and place an unwrapped Hershey kiss in the center of each cookie, pressing down slightly.  Place on wire rack to cool.  Be careful when you move these cookies because the chocolate kiss is fragile from the heat.

Eat up! Or share them with friends and family...maybe ;)

I found this recipe on Taste of Home

Please try these!! Let me know what you think!

Question of the Day:
What is a holiday cookie you like to make every year??

By the way, I know there are people out there reading...:) I'd like to get to know you all too, throw me some answers to these questions, and we can be friends :)

Follower Shout Out!!!  A shout out to a new follower!!!  Thank you SO MUCH Ivy!  I am so glad you are enjoying reading my blog, I REALLY do appreciate it! Makes me all giddy when I get a new follower! Thanks again! Let's be friends :)


  1. Uh, YUM! Girl, these are a cookie after my own heart! I LOVE chocolate and peanut butter together! I will be making these!!
    Yearly cookie? Can't say that I have one, but I have only been cooking for like 2 years, so I'm sure that will change.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm excited to follow you! xoxo

  2. By the way, not sure if you are on Pinterest or not, but I just pinned these! :)

  3. Aww you just made my day! I was so stinkin excited when I saw your comments! THANK YOU!! :) I'm really glad you are going to try these cookies! They are SO good! I'm loving your blog and I'm excited to follow it too. O haven't been cooking very long either, so I'm about simple recipes for the most part, but it's just the beginning! Thank you again, and I can't wait to keep in touch! I am on Pinterest too so I'll have to find you, I'm new at that too! :)
