
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Potato Crisps(NO Fat!)

Hello all! I had another little computer issue, but nothing bad, I'm just not a computer whiz and couldn't figure it out for the life of me.   I'm back though, and ready to share some more delicious recipes!

We all like potato chips now and then right??  Some like them more often then others, but what if we could make them at home, fairly quickly, and without the FAT?! Alright I know you are listening now. 

I had a craving for potato chips the other day, but knew if I went to the store and bought a bag, it would mean bad news.  I'd most likely eat more than the serving a lot, so I decided to make my own at home!  With these not having any fat added to them and potatoes are VERY low in fat(if any at all) anyways, makes these potato crisps FAT FREE!  Can't get any better than that, can it?  My Dad is a lover of potato chips, and kettle cooked potato chips, he was a little leery about trying these, and seeing if they compare, let me just say he asked me for a BIG bag of them! These are THAT good, and if you cook them long enough they resemble Kettle Cooked potato chips almost to the T, but without all the fat!  Try these!

Prep Time: about 10-15 minutes(with a mandolin slicer)
Bake Time:  Depends on how crispy you want them.  I wanted mine like kettle cooked so I baked mine for about 55 minutes.  No less than 30 minutes.
Servings: 4
Difficulty: Easy

Potato Crisps
  • 1 ¼ pounds baking potatoes(I used Idaho Russet)
  • 1 tsp Salt Free Garlic and Herb Seasoning(I used Safeway brand-which I love, or Mrs. Dash is great too!)
  • ½ tsp Salt, plus a little more to sprinkle on at the end
  • cooking spray

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees
Peel and slice your potato very thinly.  I used my mandolin slicer at an 1/8-inch thickness.  These are such a HUGE help, if you don't have one, seriously get one, they are amazing, and you can find them fairly cheap!

Mix the Garlic and Herb Seasoning with the salt in a little dish

Place the sliced potatoes in a bowl, and sprinkle on seasonings. 

Stir potatoes until all pieces are seasoned.

Spray a baking sheet or two with cooking spray, and place the potatoes in a single layer on the baking sheets. 

Bake, turning potatoes over frequently so they color and crisp evenly.  I used tongs to turn each slice. Sprinkle with a little salt, and bake until the desired crispiness.  If the potatoes are sticking a tiny bit, lightly spray them with cooking spray.

Eat warm , or cold! Enjoy! These last well stored in Ziploc bags.

Would even be a good Superbowl Appetizer!
I found the recipe out of my Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook.
I highly modified it of course. :)
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Fat free potato chips are healthy and delicious. Thanks for your post
