
Monday, December 5, 2011

Simple Breakfast Burritos

My Husband and I have always loved camping.  We used to practically live in the woods during the nice summer months.  We would even head out in the freezing cold before anyone else would even think about camping.  Yea, we are(or were hardcore like that.)  I think our whole camping excitement settled down A LOT since we lived in our RV for the last few years(for the most part) traveling for my Husband's work.  It was fun, but definitely had a "camping" feel to it.  When summer came around it seemed camping was not on our minds one bit.  Maybe next year though!  Since we decided to fore go camping this summer and have the luxury of a TOILET :) we have missed out on our famous camping food.  We are gourmet out in the woods(our camping is in the woods with nothing around) watch out, we can whip up some mean tacos for dinner, and breakfast burritos in the morning.  It is definitely not the healthiest by any means, but it's burly men food, and that is what they like out in the woods.  My Husband got a craving for the breakfast burritos we make out camping, so we whipped some up, and enjoyed every little bite!

Simple Breakfast Burritos
camping burritos made at home :)

Prep Time:  Total of about 12 minutes
Cook Time:  20-35 minutes
Servings:  a whole lot of burritos.  we went through a pkg of 10 tortillas and still had a little left over(we were hungry ;))
Difficulty:  Easy

Simple Breakfast Burritos
  • 8 small Russet Potatoes, peeled, quartered, and sliced thin(mandolin slicer works great for this- 1/8-inch thick)
1½ to 2 pounds Sausage, we used country sausage-any works great, we love the garlic seasoned sausage but couldn't find any this time
  • 2 Tbls. or so Olive Oil for frying
  • Seasoned Salt(Lawry's)(to taste-we use about 2 Tsp)
  • Garlic Powder(to taste-we use about 2 Tsp)(add in more spices if you would like-we do it different every time.  We have added parsley, onion powder, just about every Mrs. Dash seasoning out there...)
  • Eggs, scrambled with a tad bit of milk, salt, and pepper(my husband doesn't eat eggs, so I just scrambled 1 for myself.  Figure on 1 egg per two burritos)
  • Light Sour Cream(a small dollop on each burrito)
  • Shredded Mexican Cheese Blend
  • Salsa Verde (La Victoria is what we use)
  • Flour Tortillas, (we use soft taco size, burrito size works great too)

In a large skillet, add olive oil and potatoes. 

Add the seasoned salt, and garlic powder(or whatever you please)
 Turn on medium high heat, cover with a lid.  Flip potatoes every 5 minutes or so.  Our secret to fried potatoes is when you lift the lid to flip the potatoes, let the moisture on the lid drip into the potatoes. :)  Let the potatoes cook with the lid on, until they are soft.  Take the lid off, and brown to make a crispy outside.  Yum.

While the potatoes are cooking, in another large skillet add the sausage, and cook through.

In the last minute I decided to add eggs to my burrito.  My Husband doesn't eat eggs so we don't put them in our burritos while camping.  I love eggs in mine.  I didn't take any pictures though, but I use ½ an egg scrambled for each small burrito. 
Add cooked sausage in with cooked potatoes.  Heat each tortilla in the microwave for about 20 seconds to soften.  Spread a small dollop of sour cream down the center of the tortilla.

Grab a scoop on the potato sausage mixture, and spread it down the sour cream.  You want to be able to roll these up, don't forget that :) I pretty much did. 

Add the eggs

A sprinkle of the Mexican Cheese Blend

Top with Salsa Verde

Roll up as tight as you can, and chow.  I always cut mine in half, always.  SO good, and SO simple. 

I hope you enjoy our camp burritos! :)

Question of the Day:

Even though it is REALLY cold outside, I have been talking about camping...hmm that's the way I am I guess :)
What foods do you eat while camping??

I saw a recipe for making a Chocolate Orange Cake over a campfire in the orange itself, I gotta try that!
We love our deer sausages over the camp fire(they are filled with jalapenos and cheese!

Let me in on some of the foods you eat while camping, if you do go camping!
Have a great day everyone!

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