
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Surprise Cookies

Hello Holiday baking!  I have so many ideas running through my head, it is really hard to keep everything straight.  I forget ideas, items at the grocery store, what time or day it is, forget to take pictures...very important SURPRISE cookies these will be! These cookies have a little surprise in them, and the only way you will know what it is, is by the ingredient list, and my step by step pictures.  I'm an airhead sometimes, I'll admit it, especially when I am thinking about my next holiday baking treat!  Oops! Next time I make these-because there WILL be a next time, I'll post a picture for sure!  For now, enjoy these pictures, or make them yourself and enjoy the surprise in the center! :)

Surprise Cookies

These are really good! I shared them with my my Mom's co-workers, and they didn't last long at all!

Prep Time: Total: about 20-30 minutes
Bake Time: 10-14 minutes
Servings: about 2 dozen cookies
Difficulty: Easy

Surprise Cookies
  • 1 ¾ cups All-Purpose Flour
  • ¾ cup Cocoa Powder
  • ½ tsp. Baking Soda
  • ½ tsp. Salt
  • ½ cup(1 stick) Un-Salted Butter, softened
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • ½ cup Milk
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • 12 Large Marshmallows, cut if half horizontally(I needed a few more, just depends on how many cookies you end up with)
  • Chocolate Frosting for cookies- Recipe below

In a medium bowl add flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.  Whisk together.  Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl combine butter, and sugar until nice and fluffy.

Add egg, milk, and vanilla, beat until well combined.

Slowly add flour mixture a little at a time, until all well combined.
Pre heat oven to 375 degrees.

Drop by a tablespoon full or cookie scoop onto ungreased baking sheets 2-inches apart. 

Bake for 10-12 minutes or until cookies are becoming firm.  Remove cookie sheets from oven, and place half of a marshmallow cut side down on top of each cookie pressing down slightly.

Place cookies back in the oven, and bake for 2 to 2½ minutes longer, until the marshmallows puff up and start to melt.

Transfer cookies to wire racks and let cool completely before frosting.

Chocolate Frosting for Surprise Cookies
  • 2 cups Confectioners Sugar
  • 4 Tbls.(½ stick) Un-Salted Butter, melted, and cooled
  • ¼ cup Cocoa Powder
  • ¼ cup Milk
  • ¼ tsp. Vanilla Extract

I just realized I didn't take ANY photos of the frosting making process.  I must have been way too excited to try one of those bad boys.  They were really calling my name.  They will call your name too!

In a medium bowl place confectioners sugar, whisk in melted/cooled butter, and cocoa powder.
Add milk and vanilla and whisk until well combined.  Now lick the whisk before you toss it in the sink...UH HUH, yum. :)
To frost cookies, I placed frosting in a zip lock bag, and piped a little dollop on each cookie.  I used a spoon to spread the frosting out, and it slowly dripped down the sides perfectly.
Enjoy! These are great cookies to share during the Holidays!

I found this recipe from Martha Stewart and the chocolate frosting recipe from her also here
Check out her recipe for an actual picture of the surprise in the center!  Hey, she has been doing this a LITTLE longer then me. ;)

Question of the Day:

Does this time of year make you forgetful?? There are just SO many things that have to get done, and we are bound to forget something right?? Just me??

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