
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chinese Orange Chicken Lightened Up

My husband and I enjoy Chinese food every once in a while.  We would probably eat it more often if it wasn't full of fat.  I have wanted to make my own Chinese food at home, and have once, but it didn't turn out tasting exactly how I wanted it to, or resemble the Chinese dish I was trying to re make, as much as I would have liked.  It was still good, but you definitely want a dish that tastes like the real deal.  This recipe tastes as close as ever in my book.  It is SO tasty, and if we ever want Chinese food, I will definitely stick to this recipe, plus try my hand at some other Chinese dishes.  This is way lower in fat, and is SO good.  If you like Chinese food, please make this at home, you will love it! 
Chinese Orange Chicken Lightened Up
So delicious!

Prep Time: about 15 minutes
Cook Time: about 20 minutes
Servings: depending on how much chicken you use, about 5-8
Difficulty: Easy
Chinese Orange Chicken Lightened UP
For the Chicken:
  • 3 medium size Chicken Breasts, fat removed, and cut into bite size pieces(this made close to 3 cups of chicken
  • 4 Tbls All-Purpose Flour
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1-2 Tbls Olive Oil
For the Sauce:
  • 1/3 cup Orange Juice
  • 1/2 cup Rice Wine Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 1/2 Tbls Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tbls Orange Zest
  • 1/2 Tbls Toasted Sesame Oil
  • 2 Tsp Corn Starch(I ended up using about 1 tsp more, in a little more orange juice to make it thicker, you can do the same if it is not as thick as you would like)
  • 1 Tbls Red Pepper Flakes(I didn't use this because I didn't have any on hand, and because we were feeding young kids also.  It was VERY good without)Also a friend over at keepingupwithkitchenmom made this recipe ans suggests only 1tsp otherwise it is super spicy.

In a large Ziploc bag add Chicken, flour, salt, and pepper.
Close the bag, and shake around until all of the chicken is covered in flour.  Add Olive Oil to a large sauce pan, turn on medium heat, and add chicken.  Let brown on one side before flipping.  You want the flour to stick to the chicken.

While the chicken is cooking in a small bowl add the Orange Juice, and Cornstarch.  Mix together until the Corn Starch is combined.

In a medium pot add in all the Sauce ingredients, including the Orange Juice and Cornstarch.  Bring to a boil, and whisk until thickened.

When the sauce has thickened pour over the cooked chicken.  Stir, and serve!  I served mine over steamed Broccoli, and Brown Rice. Delish!

Super Simple right?!  Just a couple extra ingredients you may need to pick up from the store, but other than that, it is a piece of cake, and totally amazing!
I found this awesome recipe from Cordon Pink She also has the nutrition facts on her page if you are interested!  This recipe was also featured On My Radar #1 
Question of the Day:

What is your favorite Chinese dish?  And have you made it at home?


  1. I made this the other night and it was amazing! I actually used all the red pepper flakes which made it pretty spicy, which my husband and I liked, but next time I will omit that or go easy on it so the kids will like it more :) Thanks for the recipe. I reposted it on my page
