
Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Eve Party Appetizers

I can't believe this year is almost over, where did it go??  They seem to go faster every year, ugh.  I always look at it as this next year will be the best yet, and it keeps getting better. :) A good thing to look forward to as the time flies.  This is sort of the "in-between week" after Christmas we have a week until the New Year.  I know that Christmas has so much planning and preparation, this week in-between gives us a little break before the last party(if you have, or go to one) before we get a break, and life slows back down.  I know I really haven't been blogging for too long, so I don't have a ton of different holiday recipes, but I am getting there!  I thought I would make a list of some appetizers I have made this last year to give you all some ideas for the big New Years Eve parties that are just a little ways away.  We all have to get planning now, if you haven't started already, don't worry the break is coming! I hope this will help with planning, and make life a little easier, I know it will for me, because I plan on making at least a couple of these for the party we are having.  Enjoy, and let me know if you make any of these, and if they are a hit at your party!

Tuna Noodle Casserole

My family has been making Tuna Noodle Casserole for as long as I can remember.  It is such a quick and easy casserole to throw together, and most of the ingredients everyone has on hand.  I didn't know what to make for dinner the other night, and decided to open the cupboard, and use up some some canned goods.  My stack has been getting way to big, so I decided to make Tuna Noodle Casserole packed with extra veggies.  You can add just about anything to this casserole.  Get creative! This would probably be good without the tuna too-a veggie noodle bake! Yum! Have fun with this recipe, and try all sorts of different concoctions!

MmmMmm Good!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chicken Pot Pie with Homemade Crust

Hello readers!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Holiday.  I hope it was spent with as many loved ones as possible.  Now that most of the excitement around Christmas is over, we prepare for the New Year.  We are big kids at heart, and we always have an annual New Years Eve sledding party.  It is SO much fun, and everyone seems to love it, they plan on it before we even plan it ourselves every year.  It's great, and we can't wait.  We just hope there is snow on the ground, and by the looks of it so far, we may not, but we always have fun no matter what. 
Since we are SUPPOSED to have snow by this time of the year, I wanted to make(in my eyes) one of the biggest comfort foods, and that being Chicken Pot Pie.  Truth is, I have never made Chicken Pot Pie, and I can't believe it myself.  Growing up I didn't really like the stuff, so I sort of stayed away from it.  Why wouldn't I like it, is what I recently asked myself?? What is there NOT to like really?? That is why I made it.   I cannot NOT make this and try it when I haven't eaten it for years, and still think I don't like it, no way.  I made it.  I ate it.  Every bite.  Every lick of the spoon.  What does that say...I like Chicken Pot Pie.  Go figure.  :)  You will too.

This crust is amazingly flaky! LOVE!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have a great Holiday with the ones you love. 
Enjoy the company, the food, the gift giving, and receiving.
Have a wonderful day,
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Classic Risotto

I have heard that Risotto is hard to cook.  I wouldn't really know that because I made it for the first time a few days ago, and it turned out great!  I believe this recipe I found is very simple, and basic, and it's hard for anything to go wrong.  My husband and I really enjoyed this Risotto.  It almost doesn't sound all that appetizing(to be honest) because it doesn't have much to it, but it turns out great, with a nice subtle flavor, and it's creamy, you can't pass that up!  I am very excited I tried this recipe because having heard so much that Risotto is hard, this at least got me in the door, and I am excited to try more exciting Risotto.  You should really try this recipe though! If you want a simple, quick, but delicious Risotto, definitely try this, or if it's your first time making it, like me! 

A little note that was with this recipe I wanted to share:
Here is the most classic of all Risottos!  It's called Risotto Alla Milanese and is authentically made with saffron and veal marrow.  This version is made with all the basic ingredients-no marrow or saffron.  Since you probably have the ingredients on-hand, stir up a batch anytime the mood strikes.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Coconut Macaroon Bites

Alright I may have a little bad news, maybe?? This recipe is the last sweet treat I have planned to make for the Holidays...there I said it.  My family and I have enjoyed way more treats then usual around the Holidays, and Christmas isn't even here yet!  This blogging has done it to me.  If I gain weight I'll blame it on the blogging, and being REQUIRED to post yummy fattening sweets around the Holidays.  At least I will have something to blame it on rather than just having a sweet tooth. ;)  But seriously, who could pass up a Coconut Macaroon??? And to make myself feel better I made them BITE SIZE! Which means fewer calories and fat because they are smaller, but then again makes you think you can eat more, am I right?! Anyways I'll stop talking about the inevitable weight gain from me baking too much in the kitchen, and I'll show share this amazing recipe!  OH and one more thing, Coconut Macaroons will forever hold a special place in my heart because my Husband and I enjoyed one of these every morning with our coffee in Maui last July sitting on our patio, looking out at the beautiful ocean.  We went for our 4 year anniversary, and loved every minute of it, and these cookies. :)

SO very good!

Gingersnap Oatmeal

Oatmeal is such a quick healthy breakfast with so many variations.  You can practically add anything to a bowl of oatmeal.  It can be sweet or savory because it has such a versatile light flavor.  I have yet to make a savory oatmeal, but maybe one day?  It is also good for you, and a healthy breakfast is the best way to start a morning.  I love oatmeal but I usually get on kicks where I eat it for awhile, then I don't want it for awhile, anyone else like that?  I made this Gingersnap Oatmeal for breakfast this morning, and fell in love, it is SO good, and really tastes pretty close to a gingersnap, just not as sweet.  All the same flavors though, and quite delicious!  If you like oatmeal and Gingersnap Cookies, try this!!
Mmm tasty!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Minty Bark Bites

I have never made Bark before, so this was new to me. I have always wanted to make it though, so I am glad I finally got around to it. I've looked at many different Bark recipes online, figured it would be easy, and just went for it.  I decided to switch it up a bit, and make it into individual size bites without having to break it into chunks.  It turned out great! One of these Bites is the perfect amount of chocolatey minty goodness.  They are bigger then one bite, and actually require a few, so the longer you get to enjoy them right? These are SO simple, require very little, and are perfect for ANY Holiday occasion. Please make these soon! :)
Minty Bark Bites

So tasty! I was sad when I saw that my chocolate had little while spots the next day...BOO, oh well they taste just the same.  I am thinking this is caused by air getting to it?? I'll have to look into that!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies

I love a good chocolate cookie once in awhile, and chocolate and caramel go together like peanut butter and jelly, so I couldn't pass up a cookie recipe like that! After tasting these cookies I decided that this is my kind of perfect chocolate cookie with or without the caramel filling.  I just fell in love with these.  They have a perfect chocolate flavor that isn't too overpowering.  Don't get me wrong I love chocolate, but this is a simple perfectly sweet chocolate cookie.  You should try these, and not only around the Holidays! :) Perfect for anytime of the year.  I just gave myself permission. ;)

Keep reading to see how to make these cookies, you know you want to!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Creamy Chocolate Mint Fudge

Fudge is a must have during the Holidays around my house.  It is so easy(well sort of ;)) and takes very little time, unless you have to make two batches like me because my Hubby and I messed up the first one.  Oops!  Fudge is SO versatile, you can add so many toppings, to add extra flavor, and of course add some eye appeal :)  I have never made this fudge before, but it wont be my last, it was delicious!  A secret ingredient is marshmallow cream! Who could pass that up?!  It adds a nice chewy texture, the perfect amount.  This fudge would be perfect for a Holiday party, packaging it up for family, friends, or just make a batch for yourself, you need no excuse, go for it! :)
Creamy Chocolate Mint Fudge

I'm in love ;)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sausage Balls

Good Morning friends! I hope you had a GREAT weekend!  I did! We finally picked out the family Christmas tree, I know, we are slackin' big time!  My family always picks it out together, and this year it took a little longer to all have the same schedule, but we got it!  I can't wait to help decorate it!  Anyone else out there finally get their tree this weekend?? I wish I could see all the lovely decorated trees out there.  It is so interesting how everyone decorates them, with all the fun ornaments.  I love the ornaments with sentimental value. :)  My parent's have many ornaments from when my brothers and I were little kids and made ornaments in school.  They have dates on them too, so fun!  I hope to carry on some sort of tradition with ornaments when I have kids that have grown and have their own tree.
Anyways... speaking of Christmas and getting together with family, my friend and I made these great Sausage Balls that would be perfect for an appetizer while decorating your Christmas tree.  These are SO easy to make, require very little ingredients, and taste awesome.  Whip these babies out for the Holidays and everyone will love them. Plus it's always fun to snack with our fingers right?? Enjoy!

Sausage Balls
Simple and delicious!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

On My Radar #8

Good morning!  Here we are again for another On My Radar.  It seems like I do these posts frequently, which can only mean time flies...BOO!  I enjoy these posts though, and I hope you do too.  I hope you haven't had enough baking yet...I'm slowing down a bit, but I'm definitely not done, besides the fact that we have quite a few sweets in the fridge and on the counter waiting to be eaten.  They wont go to waste that's for sure, but hard to keep up on!  I'm still trying to post some normal dishes for those people who have willpower to stay away from baking batch after batch of cookies, not me, but I'm glad. ;)  Anyways...enjoy these tasty looking foods...and cookies, hopefully to be on the blog soon! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Gingersnap Cookies

Have you ever been to or held a cookie exchange?  I held one last year, and it was SO much fun!  I have been too busy this year to carry on the new tradition, but there is always next year!  One of the lovely ladies that brought cookies last year shared these amazing Gingersnaps with us.  Gingersnaps are such an easy cookie to make, and are always a huge hit during the Holidays.  I clung to this recipe because these cookies stay soft for the most part! A total plus in my book! I love chewy cookies rather than hard crispy ones(besides Oreos-amazing cookies ;))  These cookies did not last long whatsoever in my house.  My Hubby adores Gingersnaps so he enjoyed helping me make these, and taste testing the little "runt" cookies that ended up a wee bit too small(oops;))  I have a new love for Molasses, it's thick, sweet, and wonderful.  Yum.  You should make these cookies, everyone will love them :)
Ginger Snap Cookies
I ate one of these right after I took the picture, it was a goner. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spaghetti in White Clam Sauce

Clams anyone?? My Husband and I love clams, especially Clam Chowder, Mmm!  It reminds us of the Oregon Coast that we love so much.  One of these trips over there we want to go clamming, and crabbing.  I want to get all suited up in big rubber boots and rain gear and start digging in the sand.  It would be so great to bring freshly caught clams and crab home!  I have seen recipes for Spaghetti in White Clam Sauce many times and have wanted to try it for so long, finally I got around to making it.  My first thought while making it was if we were really going to like this(the smell of canned clams sort of creeped me out) BUT don't let that fool you because the end result was very tasty!  I am weird about fishy smells of all kinds though, and I know I just have to deal with it because I always end up loving the end result. No sniffing for me.  By the way I smell every thing, almost everything, everything food related for sure though, I'm weird like that. :)  Don't let my rambling about weird smells give you a bad idea about this dish, if you like clams and pasta, I'm pretty darn sure you will enjoy this! Give it a try, just don't sniff the clams in the can ;)

Spaghetti in White Clam Sauce
I can't wait for leftovers tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pretzel Kisses

We all love the baking season right? We love baking up all these goodies for family and friends, but we need some for our self right?? These Pretzel Hugs are the perfect snack WHILE you are baking for family and friends! :)  These are such an easy sweet treat, and have the perfect salty sweet taste.  These will definitely keep you from eating all snacking on the dough of whatever cookies you are making for the Holidays. ;) These are also perfect to make when  you have left over kisses.  The total reason I made them.  I was looking for a quick way to use up the chocolate kisses I had-not that I really needed one because they are easy to just pop in your mouth, but this is more fun, and everyone will love these simple sweet treats!   Once you make these you wont be able to keep them to yourself though because they are so easy and delicious, SO make them for everyone else too, after all it doesn't take long to whip these puppies out!
Pretzel Kisses

Love these!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Surprise Cookies

Hello Holiday baking!  I have so many ideas running through my head, it is really hard to keep everything straight.  I forget ideas, items at the grocery store, what time or day it is, forget to take pictures...very important SURPRISE cookies these will be! These cookies have a little surprise in them, and the only way you will know what it is, is by the ingredient list, and my step by step pictures.  I'm an airhead sometimes, I'll admit it, especially when I am thinking about my next holiday baking treat!  Oops! Next time I make these-because there WILL be a next time, I'll post a picture for sure!  For now, enjoy these pictures, or make them yourself and enjoy the surprise in the center! :)

Surprise Cookies

These are really good! I shared them with my my Mom's co-workers, and they didn't last long at all!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Simple Breakfast Burritos

My Husband and I have always loved camping.  We used to practically live in the woods during the nice summer months.  We would even head out in the freezing cold before anyone else would even think about camping.  Yea, we are(or were hardcore like that.)  I think our whole camping excitement settled down A LOT since we lived in our RV for the last few years(for the most part) traveling for my Husband's work.  It was fun, but definitely had a "camping" feel to it.  When summer came around it seemed camping was not on our minds one bit.  Maybe next year though!  Since we decided to fore go camping this summer and have the luxury of a TOILET :) we have missed out on our famous camping food.  We are gourmet out in the woods(our camping is in the woods with nothing around) watch out, we can whip up some mean tacos for dinner, and breakfast burritos in the morning.  It is definitely not the healthiest by any means, but it's burly men food, and that is what they like out in the woods.  My Husband got a craving for the breakfast burritos we make out camping, so we whipped some up, and enjoyed every little bite!

Simple Breakfast Burritos
camping burritos made at home :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

On My Radar #7

Good Saturday morning lovely readers!  I hope you have a warm Saturday morning.  I am, I am drinking my coffee, heat is turned up, and I have a nice cozy blanket laying across my lap.  Love cozy mornings.  When I think about the Holidays and food, I think of warm casserole dishes, and all the wonderful flavors that accompany them.  Today's On My Radar will feature casserole dishes that will make you hungry...sorry, but that's my purpose right?!  Enjoy these pictures, and recipes!  Have an amazing Weekend!  I'll be back Monday! 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies(Blossoms)

I LOVE baking for the Holidays!  Every year I like to try new recipes, BUT I couldn't pass up this recipe I made last year.  These cookies are SERIOUSLY AMAZING.  They only require 5 ingredients, and take very little time.  My husband said "these are the best cookies on the planet." That is saying a lot :) and I'm so happy he said that because it gives me an excuse to make them all the time! We LOVE that there is NO flour in this recipe, it makes for more of a peanut putter flavor that is out of this world...yum.  I can't talk this recipe up enough, take my word for it please, these are so good, life changing.  We have decided whenever we want to make peanut butter cookies, we are going this route.  When I ate one of these cookies I was like Bob in the movie What about Bob when he was at the dinner table and LOVING his food-Mmmm, MMMM... mmmMMmm... MMmmMM(totally disrupting every one else eating)  Have you seen that movie?! Funny.  Make these please :)
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies(Blossoms)
Oh my, I know it's early in the morning, but after seeing this picture I think I better go eat one of the THREE that are left! Be right back! ;)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brown Rice Pudding

I had my very first(and only, until now) Rice Pudding a LONG time ago from a Thai restaurant.  I didn't know what to think about "rice pudding??" I'll taste just about anything, okay there are probably quite a few things I wont taste, but you know what I mean. :)  This rice pudding was amazing, and I fell in love.  I knew one day I would eat it again.  This Brown Rice Pudding I made is a quick, simple and tasty breakfast/brunch dish.  It's made with LEFT OVER rice!!! We all usually have left over rice after we make it right? I always do, but I always plan on it, remember...salt, and butter on rice??(my FAV!)  This rice pudding is tasty, and a must try if you want a semi quick way to use left over rice!
Brown Rice Pudding